How to Keep Ants Away From Your Home

Ants provide a perfect example of how a small pest can create a big problem. Nothing is more embarrassing than when your guests spot rows of ants crawling out from under your cabinets and appliances.

In addition, it can be hard to feel comfortable in your home knowing that ants are constantly tracking germs back and forth between your living spaces and the outdoors.

The scary part is that any entry points that attract ants can also attract far more menacing and dangerous intruders.

It’s always a good idea to call in a pest controller to provide the level of ant removal Melbourne residents need to keep their homes protected from overwhelming infestations.

There are also a number of measures you can take at your home that will reduce your chances of experiencing an ant invasion.

Are you looking for ways to control a potentially dangerous infestation at your home?

Here are seven smart and simple tips for ant pest control melbourne residents should follow to enjoy a happy, ant-free life.

Identify the Source

The tiny size of ants gives them a big advantage when it comes to breaching the walls of your home. You need to be on the defense about sealing off entrances if you want to keep ants out.

If you suspect that these unwanted visitors have entered your home, identifying the source of entry is the first step to solving the problem. This will require a bit of observation on your part.

Follow the trail of ants to gaps in your walls, windows or doors.It is important to keep in mind that ants may be entering your home from more than one point.

Seal Cracks

Don’t underestimate the power of small cracks. A small crack can seem like a huge beacon for ants. You can use caulk to close any gaps around the windows, doors and walls in your home.

Be as thorough as possible to ensure that an ant army is blocked from getting through any spaces that aren’t totally filled with caulk.

Fortify Entryways

There are some anti-ant substances that can effectively repel insects. Placing barriers made of earth, salt and poisonous powders can create a great defense that slows down or kills ants before they can enter your home.

Use Adhesives

ants can be difficult to catch because of their speed and ability to scurry under tight spaces. However, placing adhesives on the floor can give you an advantage over them.

Something as simple as a tape barrier can stop an ant in its tracks. A strip of double-sided tape is especially useful for trapping ants.

Spray Essential Oils

ants dislike the smell of peppermint, eucalyptus and a number of other essential oils. You can deter ants from sticking around your home by spraying essential oils throughout your house.

Seal Your Food

Effective insect control begins with a clean kitchen. Many ant infestations actually start when ants become attracted to sticky and sweet food particles.

Leaving used plates and cups out is a sure way to get the attention of hungry, curious ants. What makes matters worse is that ants will signal to other ants once a source of food has been identified.

It will only be a matter of time before ants are crawling all over your cupboards in search of open containers of food.

Call Professionals

There is a certain level of ant pest control melbourne residents need when unwanted intruders routinely show up.

It’s important to know when to contact professionals to come in and provide pest removal services.

Failing to have your infestation properly taken care of can actually result in damage to your home.

What starts as a few ants can quickly balloon into an overwhelming infestation that makes you feel like a prisoner in your own home.

A professional team that specializes in offering methods of ant removal melbourne homes need will be able to cut off ants at the source and deter them from returning.

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