How to Eliminate a Silverfish Infestation?

A silverfish is just as troublesome to deal with as compared to other bug infestations. Whether you live in Melbourne or any other part of the world, a silverfish infestation is very common to have. This bug invasion is not only a nuisance to you and your family but it is also an unpleasant sight to see for guests visiting your house for the first time. Worried your house might be infested with this insect? Fear not, here is everything you need to know about silverfish.

How to Identify a Silverfish?

  • They are grey and their body has a metallic shine.
  • A silverfish’s size varies from 13mm to 15mm long.
  • Their abdomen tapers at the end.
  • Their tail has 3 long bristles at the end.
  • Silverfish have 2 long antennas on their head.
  • They move fast.
  • Silverfish have short yet thick legs.

Reproduction Habits:

Every species reproduction habit differs, and this is the same case with silverfish! But one thing that silverfish have common with other insects, is that they too follow love dances before they can mate.

Silverfish are known to lay either a few eggs every day or either lay their eggs in a cluster with 2-20 eggs per cluster. The egg is 1 millimeter long and is elliptical. You can find thee eggs hidden away in cracks, crevices, between folded clothes, or between foods but rarely spotted in the open. This is why you will have to go looking for an egg infestation rather than just finding it easily in plain sight.

What do Silverfish eat?

They mainly feed on starches and sugary items. Their diet is also filled with high-protein food items like grains, vegetables, fibers, and even selected fabric materials.

A common way to get silverfish into your house is by purchasing infested pet food, so be aware and always check your pet’s food before bringing it home.

Silverfish Infestation:

Silverfish are known to hide away their eggs as well as themselves, which is why it is very difficult to find them unless the infestation is extremely serious and getting out of control. Regardless of the intensity of the infestation, a control service is still necessary and essential.

Here is what you need to know-

  1. What are the signs of an Infestation?
  • Spotting a live bug- If you happen to see one single bug crawling around, there is a chance that there are many more hidden away!
  • Silverfish dropping- Just like any other bug invasion, you can spot an invasion by spotting the droppings!
  • Damage to paper- Silverfish love paper, once they see it, they can’t stop themselves from nibbling at it. A huge tell-tale is finding damaged paper or cardboard around your house.
  • Shed skin- Like other bugs, they too shed their skin but since it is really small, this sign would just be considered as the last sign to confirm an infestation once you have found the above signs.
  1. Do Silverfish harm humans?

They are not known to carry any diseases along with them like rodents. Therefore they do not harm humans directly, however, their dead remains or shed skin could cause an allergic reaction to anyone who comes in contact with it. To avoid this it is important to control the invasion.

  1. Do they bite?

They are considered harmless because they do not bite or hurt humans but instead run to shelter when spotted.

What Damage can they cause?

The only health problem that they can cause is allergies, but besides this, silverfish can cause a lot of material damage, from ruining your favourite designer clothes by making holes in them to munching away your wallpaper, storage cardboard boxes and baby albums, these bugs are known to cause a lot of damage in your home. This is why to prevent this from happening, it is important to control them and eliminate them.

How to Remove & Prevent a Silverfish Invasion?

Whether you have an existing infestation in your home or if you simply want to follow a few prevention steps to avoid one, these steps can help you out.

  • Seal all your food items in air-tight containers: Since these paper-lover bugs will be looking out for free food supply in your home, cutting off this food source will help them come out of their hiding and go elsewhere in search of food.
  • Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming your house regularly will not only keep silverfish away but also other bugs.
  • Use dehumidifiers during humid temperatures: Since they love the humid temperature, the best thing to do is to use dehumidifiers to make the temperature conditions undesirable. This way may be a bit expensive but it is proven to be very effective.
  • Proper ventilation: Seal all the cracks and crevices and make sure your HVAC system cleaned and working.
  • Control services: Lastly, as soon as you notice any signs or suspect an invasion, get your house inspected by a professional and if there are any silverfish then get a control service conducted as soon as possible.

How to Kill Silverfish?

Applying Diatomaceous Earth to areas where you have noticed any bugs or suspect them hiding can help you get rid of these bugs. However, ensure you do this towards the evenings as they are mostly active during the evenings.

You can even use silverfish traps to catch and kill these bugs as it is very effective, however, it is dangerous for children and pets, so make sure that it is out of their reach when you use this trap.

Bug Control:

The best and most effective way to remove these bugs is by contacting a professional expert to conduct a removal service at your house.

Now, that you know all that you need to know about silverfish, we hope you take the right steps and keep your house bug-free.

About the Author:

Muzi Tsolakis is the owner of Protech Pest, Melbourne, Australia that is well known for its efficient pest control services and thorough pest inspection in Melbourne.

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